What Compression Stockings Can Do For You?

Compression therapy is one of the basic building blocks in the treatment of venous issues and edema disorders. The use of compression therapy in the treatment of vascular diseases pursues one goal – to promote the flow of blood back to the heart and thus to considerably reduce pain and swelling. The use of compression stockings is intended to build on the success achieved after the blockage has been removed and to prevent the patient’s condition from deteriorating.

Compression therapy also plays an important role in the managing of lymphatic edema. It improves venous drainage, therefore reducing capillary filtration and edema formation, as well as lymph drainage. Medical Compression stockings have therapeutic graduated compression. The pressure decreases continuously from the ankle section upward towards the distal end.

How Does Compression Therapy Work?

  1. They exert a precise amount of external pressure. This means that the fluid which has accumulated in the tissues is removed by the Lymph vessels, thus managing to swell.
  2. External pressure causes the diameter of the veins to decrease and brings the valves closer together, enabling them to close more easily.
  3. When the leg is moved, together with your calf muscles pushing against the resistance of the stockings causes more blood to be pumped from the vascular system in the direction of the heart, therefore reducing the accumulation of fluid.

The principle is very simple: whenever the legs pre-form bending or stretching movement contract, such as those involved in walking, the muscles contract and relax alternately. The resulting pumping mechanism pushes the blood from the adjoining vein in the direction of the heart. This causes the pressure in the emptied deep veins to fall so that the blood from the superficial vascular system is sucked forward, allowing it to be transported.

Individual factors, such as patient’s susceptibility to re-occurrence or swelling and the weakness of the connective tissues determine which compression level is needed.

Here at Comfort Clinic, we will adapt compression stockings to the individual requirement of the patient, such as your work situation, degree of mobility and age. We can provide wide variety of garments, from below-knee stockings to pantyhose, to glove and arm sleeve.