Foot Casting & Custom Orthotics Manufacturing
Our foot care specialists have been trained in foot casting and manufacturing of custom orthotics by using modern foot casting techniques and custom orthotics technology. At Comfort Clinic, foot casting begins with a thorough evaluation of biomechanical and gait assessment. Our foot casting techniques involve foam box, plaster casting, or a pin array 3D computerized system. Nature of materials involved to provide appropriate orthotic control for your foot problems are Popypropylene, Flex shell with vinyl underlay for maximum shock absobtion, Dual layer laminated EVA shell with soft arch fill and other meterials with combitation of leather, cork, Cushioned cotton (ETC), Microcell Puff, Spenco and Diabetic Top covers.
Foot Casting 
Foot casting involves many different techniques used to get a 3D image of your foot. Three commonly used methods are plaster slipper, foam box and computer generated-image. In plaster foot casting process, plaster is applied directly to your foot to capture contours and shape. Foam box method involves pushing your foot into a foam box using a semi-weight bearing technique. At Comfort Clinic, our foot care specialists choose the best possible options for your condition so that they can get a good foot impression. After our foot care specialists get your foot impression by using either plaster cast, 3D computerized system or foam box, they convert that to a digital file. Specialized equipment uses the digital file to produce a mold of your feet and then a shell is produced in the lab.
Custom Orthotics Manufacturing
Once our foot care specialist have completed casting, our orthotics lab technicians start working on producing a perfect-fit custom orthotics. Our lab is fully equipped with modern milling machines, and we use highly efficient software for milling the wood cast for the custom orthotics. Our orthotic lab professionals know that your custom orthotics need special attention, they fabricate your custom orthotics by using high standards and accuracy. They fabricate your orthotics based on the knowledge of your foot conditions and problems.