Back Pain
Comfort Clinic offers various options of back pain treatment in Oakville, including custom orthotics, orthotic shoes, body braces for back pain. Back pain is one of the most common medical problems. Most cases of back pain are caused by simple fatigue and nervous exhaustion. The anatomic classification of back pain follows the segments of the spine: neck pain (cervical), middle back pain (thoracic), lower back pain (lumbar) or coccydynia (tailbone or sacral pain), with the lumbar vertebrae area most common for pain. Backache can be of mechanical or non-mechanical origin. Conditions of mechanical origin are often the cause of the pain: sprain (twisting or wrenching of the joint), strain (excessive stretching or overuse) and lumbar (lower back) sprain-strain. However, all these back pain causes create an unbalanced foundation which can result in dysfunction of the joints and muscles of your back. This tendency of dysfunction of the joints and muscles can become the source of severe nerve root syndromes, including herniated discs, spinal degeneration, muscle spasms and inflammation.
Back Pain Treatment

Vertebral fracture, ruptured disk, arthritis, spinal changes, and infections can also result in severe back pain
The goals of treating back pain are to achieve optimal reduction in pain intensity as rapidly as possible, to help the patient cope with residual pain and to restore the individual’s ability to function in everyday activities. For many, the goal is to keep the pain to a manageable level to progress with rehabilitation, which then can lead to long-term pain relief.
At Comfort Clinic, we carry a selection of back braces designed to limit the motion of the spine in cases of fracture or in post-operative fusions, as well as a preventative measure against some progressive conditions. Rigid (hard) braces are form-fitting plastic moulds that restrict motion. Soft elastic braces limit forward motion of the spine and assist in setting spinal fusions or supporting the spine during occasions of stress (for example, employment requiring the lifting of heavy loads).
Back braces and back supports, together with custom orthotics and orthotic footwear, can help you achieve a balanced foundation and reduce low back pain. In back pain treatment, the use of mentioned devices is usually combined with an exercise program – for strengthening and stretching of the back.
At Comfort Clinic, your long-term success is our primary goal. Our certified fitters of orthoses and prostheses have a thorough uderstanding of human anatomy and extensive training in fitting of appliances for treating your condition.