orthotics can assist people facing common foot problems caused by Bunion, Flatfeet, Corns and calluses, Plantar fasciitis, Ingrown toenails, Achilles Tendinitis, Achilles Tendon, Metatarsalgia, Tendinitis, Plantar warts, Reactive arthritis, Septic arthritis, Sprains and strains, Stress fractures, Morton’s neuroma, Rheumatoid arthritis, Broken ankle / foot, Bursitis, Gout, Osteoarthritis, Pseudogout, Sprained ankle, and Bone spurs.

3 10, 2016

Are you wearing a proper shoe size?


Are you wearing a proper shoe size? Have you ever had your feet “falling asleep” while walking or running? May be some “foot cramping” or “burning”? You have no adequate room to freely wiggle your toes? This is because your shoes are the wrong fit! Poorly fitted shoes can also cause or aggravate bunions, ---

Are you wearing a proper shoe size?2019-10-01T17:39:08-04:00


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