CSX Active Compression Socks 15-20 mmHg (Black on Red)

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CSX Active Compression Socks are the best compression socks for those people who enjoy running, exercising, and doing physical activities to maintain their fitness. As these active compression socks keep people active, the individuals who follow quite busy routine can also use these compression socks. Using compression of 15-20 mmHg, these active compression socks provide great ankle support and reduce the diameter of the superficial veins in the lower leg. These active compression socks increase the blood flow and improve the efficiency of muscles by providing them proper protection and energy.

CSX Active Compression Socks  Features:

  • 15-20 mmHg Graduated Compression
  • Extra Wide Self-Adjusting Top Band
  • V-Guard Shin Protection
  • Calf Cradle
  • Graduated Compression
  • Seamless Toe Box
  • Achilles Tendon Protection
  • Arch Support Band

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CSX Compression Sport Socks are active compression socks for athletes and those individuals who remain active all day. These active compression socks are the best choice for all kinds of sports activities and increase performance and efficiency. These compression socks feature 15-20 mmHg compression and are built with the perfect support at the ankle. These compression socks work to reduce the diameter of the superficial veins in the lower leg. These active compression socks improve the blood flow and increase the performance of muscles as the improved blood flow can easily energize, protect, and renew tired muscles. CSX Active Compression Socks use the following compression socks technology features: 15-20 mmHg Graduated Compression, Extra Wide Self-Adjusting Top Band, V-Guard Shin Protection, Calf Cradle, Graduated Compression, Seamless Toe Box, Achilles Tendon Protection, and Arch Support Band.


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